Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Blog update

So many changes and developments have happened the past few days! Firstly, a big hello and thank you to all my new followers! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say here. I'm certainly going to try my best to keep life between pages fresh and interesting for you. 

You may have noticed some cosmetic changes to the blog. This'll be the last time I re-design the layout. Well, at least for a while! I've tried to make it as simple, light and inviting as possible so you guys can navigate around quickly and perhaps enjoy the blog more.

I've also decided to hold a giveaway when I reach 100 followers. So please tell your friends to visit and subscribe! :-))

Lastly, there is now a Twitter page for life between pages which you can follow here: @lifebetween
That's all for now. Back to Treasure Island!


  1. Hi Sophie. I'm a new follower and also following via Twitter.

    My Twitter: @litendeavors

    My blog:

  2. Thanks, Jennifer! I'm following you on both now, too. :)

  3. Hi, new follower, saw you on the blog hop elsewhere. Your blog looks great!

  4. Thanks for coming over, TC! I've now posted my blog hop entry for this week. Following you, too... see you over there! :D


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