Okay, so they look pretty impressive piled up like that, but let me break it down for you. Here's what I got...

The books in these next two images were also from a car boot sale, and they only cost 10p each! They had heaps, but these were the only ones that appealed to me.
Okay, so yes -- two children's books. I can't be the only person with no kids who buys these from time to time, right? Kipper is so adorable & Little Red Fox just looked like a sweet story!
I've read some Bill Bryson in the past, and he's pretty hilarious. Lorna Doone was just a random book I kind of liked the look of, and as for The Railway Children... well, there's another classic I haven't read yet!
This gem was aquired from an amazing shop in Oxford called Arcadia, who sell tons of these iconic Penguin books (among many other things -- not just books. I'll show you someday on another post.) It cost me £5.00, but is a 1939 edition. Then again they did have cheaper titles, so I'm not sure what my logic was there! Nah well.

This lot I've gotten from various charity shops for some bargainous prices (of course!) I've wanted to read Girl With A Pearl Earring for a long time, but have never been able to bring myself to pay full price for it or order it online for some reason! Glad I found it in Oxfam, unread, for £2! The rest of them -- Tolkien (determined to read all his works), Robinson Crusoe (loved Treasure Island so will probably love this), etc., etc., etc.!
You get the point -- I won't say any more! Ha. What do you think? Too much?
How many books have you bought this month?