Hello fellow hoppers and yay for my fourth week joining the Book Blog Follow Friday, hosted by Parajunkee & AlisonCanRead!
My blog is nearly at 100 followers! You can be sure that when it reaches that epic number, there'll be a suuweet international giveaway! So stop by, pull up a seat, follow me, I'll follow you and we'll all live happily ever after!
Here's this week's question:
Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?
My answer is going to be slightly predictable if you've been reading my blog, haha. But here they are...
Jane Austen - I'd want to know right away about what happens to Elizabeth and Mr Darcy, and all the other characters after the end of Pride and Prejudice! I know that there are many sequels by other authors out there, but they just don't satisfy me because they're not Jane's words and therefore, not her thoughts. You know what I mean? I'd want to know the true story.
Sophie Kinsella - I want to ask her why the lead characters in her books are essentially the same, because even though I enjoy them, it annoys me. But I'd be nice. ;-)
J.R.R. Tolkien - There is so much I would ask him, but first I might request an extensive lesson in Elvish. Would be awesome to speak a language few understand! Ha.
So there you have it guys!
Which authors would you choose?
Wow, those would be some amazing conversations! Especially with Jane Austen, I just love her! Great post! I'm now following :)
Here's my post: http://tiny.cc/ddvoc
Hi there, I'm hopping through.
Have a great weekend!
Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka
Hi, I am a new follower just hopping through. That is a really impressive list. I would love to have lunch with Jane Austen too.
Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick
Hopping through. I still haven't gotten through the entire LOTR series. I really want to.
I'd love to meet Jane.
Here's to hoping you hit 100 followers this weekend!
My Hop
I was so close to posting J.R.R. Tolkien as well! ;D So funny that you'd ask about Elvish as well, I once self studied it, but have forgotten much. My screenname was once Eledhsúle. ;)
New follower hopping by! I was thinking of choosing Jane Austen, but chose contemporary writers instead. :P
Have a good weekend! :)
Reader's Refuge
Hey, J.R. Ward is definately creating a great world there, if you want to start with Dark Lover, it's book 1. :)
Chapter 1
Nice picks. I'm a new follower from http://kafkatokindergarten.blogspot.com.
Have a great weekend.
I'm a new follower from Parajunkee's Follow Friday. I love your answers. =)
Char @ From the Shadows I Review
Hey! Great choices! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who picked an author (or two) whose no longer living! To see mine, just hop on over to Fuzzy.Coffee.Books!
Have an awesome weekend!
*now following!
I would love to know what happened to every one in Pride and Prejudice too- great pick!
New Follower!!!! Looks like some great authors!!!
Happy Firday!!!
I'd love to meet sophie kinsella! I agree with you, her lead characters are always the same but I just can't get enough of them anyway :) Can You Keep a Secret is one of my favourite books!
Happy hopping
Hopping by to read your blog hop answers. happy reading!
New follower! Found on Follow Friday! :)
If you'd like to visit my own FF post, it is here: http://skyink.net/?p=2397
Hi! New follower and jumped over here from FF!
I <3 Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice is/was still one of the best fiction books I've ever read. It kept me entertained and I wasn't bored to tears during it. Awesome for choosing her.
Check out my post here (http://www.thehummingbirdhollow.com/2011/07/glass-of-wine-and-chat.html)
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