Friday 5 August 2011

Sophie Kinsella has just announced her next novel!

I just saw this announcement of Sophie Kinsella's Facebook fan page and had to share!

We're thrilled to share with you some super-exciting news about Sophie's next stand-alone novel. It will be called I've Got Your Number and will be published around the world in early 2012. Here's a sneak peek as to what it's about...
When Poppy loses her engagement ring and her mobile all in the same disastrous evening, it seems the obvious solution to make use of a phone she finds, by chance, abandoned in a hotel bin.
But inevitably her life becomes entangled with the real owner of the phone, a high-flying businessman called Sam who becomes increasingly irritated when Poppy can’t resist meddling in his affairs…
We can't wait! Watch this space for more news... x

It sounds pretty interesting. Looking forward to hearing more!

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