Thursday 5 January 2012

Review: While I'm Still Myself by Jeremy Mark Lane

A passionate December love affair.
The meeting of an unexpected traveler.
The consequences of protecting a young new acquaintance.
A journey into an unknown past.

In the stories of While I’m Still Myself, Jeremy Lane eloquently describes the life changing impact of the brief encounter, showing that life and love are not shaped by an entire lifetime, but by the fleeting moments with unexpected people in unexpected places. (via Goodreads)

While I'm Still Myself is a collection of seven short stories, all of which have elements of wisdom and contain the ability to inspire the reader. They're set in different time periods – from the 19th century up until the present day – and in varying parts of the southern United States.

One of my favourites was The Pebblestone Five, a tale about a group of neglected children. This is a daring story tackling an important topic, but it comes across so well and leaves so much hope for the characters that I couldn't help but love it.

However, not every story wowed me. That Winter and Round Bale left me feeling disconnected from the characters. Also, many of them finish rather enigmatically, which worked well with some but others seemed abrupt.

Though all in all, I enjoyed the bulk of While I'm Still Myself. I'd recommend this collection to those who are intrigued and inspired by human interest stories.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

While I'm Still Myself is released on 10 January. To stay updated, visit Jeremy's website. 

Watch the trailer for this book here.

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