Monday 30 April 2012

Guest Post: The Evolution of Taste by Kate Evangelista

Kate's debut young adult novel, Taste, was released today! She's also here to share the story of its evolution. Here she goes!

I was a high school teacher when the beginnings of Taste first came to me. At the school I taught at, there was this practice of ringing a bell in the afternoon to signal that all remaining students on campus must be at the guardhouse to wait for their parents to pick them up. I always wondered why they did this. What was it about the campus during the afternoons that students aren’t allowed to roam around after a certain time? The practical reason would be that the nuns who ran the school were at prayer and need absolute silence. But the writer in me would not leave it at that. The practice of ringing the bell sparked my imagination. I began thinking of more supernatural reasons as to why students didn’t need to be on campus past a certain hour. This is why the beginning of Taste shows Phoenix waking up in the library to the ringing of bells.

One would think that because of my burst of inspiration, I would have begun writing Taste, but that wasn’t the case. Being a teacher took over every aspect of my life. I only had time to sleep, and there was barely enough of that. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed teaching. Every time I saw understanding in the eyes of my students after a lesson, I was elated—I actually helped someone learn something. But, deep down, I knew teaching wasn’t for me. Every time I woke up in the morning, I would ask myself: Is this what I want to do ten years from now? And the answer was always no. It took me a couple of years to get around to writing Taste. I finally realized that being a writer, sharing the stories of the characters in my head, was my life’s work.

Now, when inspiration strikes, I don’t wait years before I act on it. I know this is a cliché, but time really is too short to waste on doing something you don’t find fulfillment in. Okay, I’ve digressed from the main point of this post. Bear with me because it might happen again at some point!

Anyway, when I finally sat down and started writing Taste, it was still titled Lunar Heat. I was going for a play on words that involved the Lunar Garden in the story. For those who’ve read Taste, you know where the Lunar Garden is. At the time, I didn’t know anything about writing. Sure, I could write, but formatting, proper grammar, and pacing was beyond me. I didn’t even understand how to properly use the first person narrative. But the lack of know-how didn’t stop me. I kept writing until I had a first draft ready.

When the first draft was complete, I made the mistake of asking my friends to help edit. What I love about friends is that they will never hesitate to compliment you on everything you do. For a writer, this is a good ego boost, but it doesn’t necessarily help you grow within your craft. Unless you have a friend who is willing to give you constructive criticism about your work, stay away from letting friends edit your work. That’s one lesson learned in this process.

The first draft was around the time I started doing my research about the writing process. I even had the guts to submit Lunar Heat to agents without the manuscript even being close to ready. This endeavor ended in a pile of rejection letters. Save yourself the agony and make sure to learn a thing or two first. I wish someone had told me that at the beginning. But, of course, like with many of us, we learn things on our own. So, I started following blogs that had anything to do with writing. And one of them actually featured an ad for a writer who was looking for a critique partner. I didn’t know what a critique partner was, but I took a leap of faith and answered the ad. This leap led me down the path of many emails exchanged between many critique partners. Some of them I still keep in contact with. One of them even became my sister in writing. Check the dedication of Taste and the acknowledgement section to understand what I mean.

Armed with new knowledge about writing, I set about editing Lunar Heat to the ground. When you think you’ve edited your manuscript enough, that’s a sign that you need to edit it some more. But one thing I learned through this process is that you don’t need a perfect manuscript. There is no such thing as a perfect manuscript. Those are mythical creatures. Why is this? Because your future editor will still ask you to change many things within the story. What you need to do is get your manuscript to a point where editors will see the potential in the story and want to help you make it better. How do you know when you’re there? When you start getting request for partial or full submissions.

After editing for about a year—yes, you got that right, a year—I began submitting Lunar Heat to agents. And after six months, I finally got “The Call”. I thought to myself, finally, I have an agent, next stop, publishing. So, I eagerly waited for my agent’s editorial notes for Lunar Heat. Yes, folks, more editing. When he was satisfied that Lunar Heat was ready for submission, we changed the title to Taste and he sent it out to editors. Long story short, and saving you from all the heartbreak that comes with this part of my life, after five rejections from editors, my agent lost confidence in submitting Taste. It was downhill from there. Another lesson learned, you never want an agent who losses confidence in your writing. Nothing good comes of it.

So, after a year of nothing happening with my agent, I decided to let him go and start querying Taste to other agents and smaller publishing houses. My goal was to get Taste published so I could share Phoenix’s story with the world. This meant more editing. And when requests started filling my inbox from agents and publishers about full submissions, I thought to myself, here we go again. Another chance.

Finally, two months after parting ways with my agent, I received an email from Crescent Moon Press. They wanted to publish Taste! I was finally going to be a published author. My dream was coming true. And you know what I realized after my excitement and elation wore off? More editing to come.

Basically, Taste evolved the way it is today because of all the editing that’s been done to it. The biggest lesson I learned through writing Taste was to love the editing process. I realized that getting the story onto the page is important, but it is through editing where you find the diamond in the rough. Editing is where you find the real story, where your creativity is challenged the most. Some hate editing, and rightfully so, because it’s not the easiest process. You need to learn compromise and always remind yourself that all the notes and suggestions are for the good of the story. At least, that was what I kept reminding myself. Once I opened myself up to the editing process, I realized that there was so much more to learn when it comes to being a writer.

I guess, at the beginning of this post, I set out to show all of you how Taste’s story evolved through the years, but in the end, I showed all of you how I evolved. It’s funny how things work out that way. With Taste’s release on April 30, 2012 (which is so surreal, by the way, that I’m at this point already) I know that my journey to being a writer is just beginning. That I have more stories I want to share with the world. That I have so much more to learn and so many more people to meet.

I would like to take this moment, to thank Sophie for letting me take over her blog today.
Sophie, your continued support means a lot to me. We may live a pond away, but one day we will meet and the first thing I want to do is give you a big hug. Thank you for always being there. And Ireland is becoming a reality now more than ever.

Kate, you're a fantastic writer and person, and I'm so happy for all your success! It's a pleasure to have gotten to know you. Ireland, here we come!
To learn out more about Kate, her novels, and to find out where to purchase a copy of Taste, please visit her blog.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Review: Delicacy by David Foenkinos

Reminiscent of the work of Nick Hornby and Muriel Barbery, "Delicacy" is a funny, sweet-as-candy story about a young widow who comes to find love with the unlikeliest of people--her clumsy and unassuming coworker. (via Goodreads)

I bought this book last week solely because it was the Kindle Daily Deal, and who can resist a promising story for a bargainous 99p?

Unfortunately, though, I didn't love it. While it is charmingly written and feels quite European (it is, after all, translated from the original French), I didn't appreciate its quirky presentation. Various chapters are really short, with some just containing a quote or even John Lennon's post-death discograph. I also found the story quite slow moving even though the book is quite short.

So, though the story's plot and its characters are intriguing, there just wasn't enough within the content to keep me wanting to turn the pages. If you're interested in reading novels with a bit of a different feel to them, then this might be for you.

Rating: 2.5 / 5

The tale of a Kindle convert

I've always been apprehensive about eReaders. I thought they were 'soulless' machines unable to offer readers the depth of pleasure that the physical aspect of holding a paperback or hardback provides. Who wants to stare at a grey screen which takes away about one third of the reading experience: the aesthetic pleasure. The feel of paper, that shiny cover, and the scent of the pages?

But a few months ago I opted for an affordable, and gloriously hot pink, Sony Reader solely for the purpose of reading eBook review copies sent by authors and publishers Sure, it took away the strain of having to read hundreds of pages on an LCD screen, but beyond that I wasn't impressed. There was no wifi so everytime I wanted to transfer something I'd have to connect it to the computer. There was also no way to drag-and-drop files onto the eReader directly because Sony make you download their special software. And this, rather stupidly, can only be authorised for use on one computer. The times that I bought an eBook out of pure intrigue from or downloaded something from NetGalley, it took me at least fifteen minutes each time to get it transferred onto the Sony software because of its complex nature. The eReader itself was also uninviting turning a page consisted of at least a two second delay and a sudden black-and-white flash, fonts on PDF files would be different sizes and different styles on each page, the screen was dim and very small. Ultimately, it did very little to change my opinion or my buying habits.

Then, three weeks ago and on a complete whim, came along Kindle!

I think it's now fair to say that my Kindle has converted me to the eBook realm. When I compare it to the Sony, it's blatantly obvious that so much more effort has gone into the Kindle's hardware and software design. Ergonomically, it's a dream. The page-turn buttons on either side of the Kindle and ability to change the screen orientation make it so that you can feel comfortable holding onto it in just about whatever position you're reading in. Font sizes and styles can be changed easily, page turning is fast and flashing is limited. Plus, it's slim and lightweight, and the size and colour of the screen are perfect. Well, okay, so I'd prefer it if the cover art could be displayed in colour, but other than that I have very little to complain about!

And could the Kindle store be any better? The selection is so immense! I love that there are thousands of books you can download for free, including classics like Pride and Prejudice and Treasure Island. Then there are the daily deals, the hundreds of newspapers and magazines from all around the world, 99p books, the ability to preview the first chapter before committing to a purchase, etc. All downloaded so simply via a one-click wireless connection!

Though I won't be purchasing all my books electronically in the future, I can see myself buying less physical books especially if I can get the same book for the same price. Having said that, if there's a book that I have enjoyed particularly, I'm still going to have to buy the paperback version. Sometimes I just don't feel I own enough of a book if it's not sitting on my shelf! Is anybody else like that? Also, some of the eBook prices I just don't understand why do some of them still cost £8 even though you're not paying for something printed? That can't really be justified (unless someone can enlighten me).

We'll see. Perhaps my Kindle 'new toy' enthusiasm will waver in another few weeks. But I think it's safe to say that Amazon have done a bloody good job with this one!

What are your thoughts about eReaders? Do you own a Kindle or another device? How have your book buying habits changed?

Friday 27 April 2012

Watch me & other bloggers interview E.L. James!

Yesterday I had the honour of interviewing E.L. James, author of the Fifty Shades trilogy, alongside a few other UK based bloggers during a Google+ Hangout. Watch the interview below!

Oh, and please excuse my sunglasses... you don't want to know why I had to wear them! Heh.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Closed for entries |'s 'Month of Mom' Giveaway!


GoneReading, an awesome philanthropic organisation which aims to provide funds for libraries and literary-focused charities, is hosting a giveaway until May 13th in celebration of Mother's Day in the USA.

The prize is pretty great – you can win $100 in GoneReading merchandise plus a $25 giftcard!

To find out more about the giveaway and enter, click here.

Monday 23 April 2012

Review: The Fifty Shades Trilogy by E.L. James

When literature student Anastasia Steele is drafted to interview the successful young entrepreneur Christian Grey for her campus magazine, she finds him attractive, enigmatic and intimidating. Convinced their meeting went badly, she tries to put Grey out of her mind - until he happens to turn up at the out-of-town hardware store where she works part-time. The unworldly, innocent Ana is shocked to realize she wants this man, and when he warns her to keep her distance it only makes her more desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her - but on his own terms. Shocked yet thrilled by Grey's singular erotic tastes, Ana hesitates. For all the trappings of success – his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving adoptive family – Grey is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control. When the couple embarks on a passionate, physical and daring affair, Ana learns more about her own dark desires, as well as the Christian Grey hidden away from public scrutiny. Can their relationship transcend physical passion? Will Ana find it in herself to submit to the self-indulgent Master? And if she does, will she still love what she finds? Erotic, amusing, and deeply moving, the Fifty Shades Trilogy is a tale that will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever. (via Goodreads)

I originally planned to review each book in its own blog post, but little did I know just how infactuated I would become with the Fifty Shades world! I managed to finish the entire trilogy in about four or five days I've never read any series that fast before! So, you can gather that I very much enjoyed myself.

I'd first heard about Fifty Shades of Grey on another blog last summer and thought that it sounded interesting, but because I'm not usually a fan of erotic fiction (and didn't own an ereader at the time), I gave it a miss. Then, I started to hear more and more about it, so when I finally bought a Kindle a couple of weeks ago it seemed about the right time to delve in.

But, oh dear Lord, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for! In retrospect, it was a stupid idea of mine to have started reading the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey, less than a week before my exam. I became so entangled with the love affair between Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey that I could hardly get any work done! Both the characters and their passionate story are truly addictive, especially Mr. Christian Grey who must be one of the most deliciously complicated and ludicrously sexy leading men out there. Edward Cullen has absolutely nothing on him!

Matt Bomer would make the
perfect Christian Grey!

Speaking of Cullen, this brings us to the origin of this book. James originally began writing Fifty Shades as a work of Twilight fanfiction, so particularly at the beginning of the first book you might notice some rather Twilight-vamp-esque qualities to Christian: Ana, who narrates all three of the books, notes his intense eyes, striking appearance, magnetic grace and the tendency to hypnotise women with his looks.

Ana also seems a bit like Bella Swan at first: she's quiet and studious, innocent, unassuming and subtly beautiful, but unlike Bella she's much more assertive and driven by her own ambition. In fact, Ana very much inspires me.

The books evolve into their own, with Ana proving herself to be a source of strength for her man. The very human Christian, while gorgeously sensual, is a highly complex character and struggles to battle the many demons housed within his soul.

There's just so much more to this book than erotica. Behind it is a beautiful love story with plenty of endearment and suspense woven between. I don't think I have ever read a book that's made me smile so much, or provoked so much emotion in me (book three nearly had me in floods of tears!)

Honestly, I can't gush enough about these; they're just so intense and surprisingly classy. If you can handle the naughty bits (ahem), then don't miss out on Fifty Shades! They are very high on my favourites list now.

Rating: 5 / 5

Like what you've heard? Visit The Book Depository to get your copy.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Review: End of Summer by Michael Potts

A young boy. An old man. And a journey of the heart. 

My fraternal twin, Michael, died two hours after birth, drowning from fluid in his lungs. When I was two, my Mom and Dad were killed in a head-on collision with a tractor-trailer. I was reared by Granddaddy and Granny, who had lived with my folks in the same rented home. I remembered neither my parents’ lives nor their deaths. I suppose that’s a blessing and a curse. My grandparents had provided details my young mind could understand, but I pushed them away. I did not want them. Back in that field after thirty years, I stood poised at the edge of an abyss. End of Summer is a poignant, literary novel that explores the mysteries of life, love and death through the eyes of a nine year old boy...interpreted by the man he grew to be. (via

End of Summer is told by Jeffrey, both as an adult and young child. As an adult, Jeffrey is made to confront certain elements of his personality that prove unusual to his wife. This causes him to reflect on a certain summer when he was nine years old, in which his life took a dramatic change and ultimately helped shape him into the man that he becomes.

While the plot sounds interesting and certainly contains a lot of potential, I'm not convinced about how well it has actually been executed. Much of what Jeffrey describes during his summer as a young boy is meticulously detailed; almost to the point of it being a little too much. I also found many of the events during the first two thirds of the book to be mundane; just a child recounting his summer routine such as feeding the dog or going out to play in the woods for the day. Nothing overly remarkable happens.

However, it did did pick up pace later on. The last third of the novel, describing the massive changes that begin to occur within the relationships that mean the most to this young child, are pretty enlightening and also sometimes heart-wrenching. Though it missed the mark with some of the dialogue between the characters, which I found robotic at times and ultimately fell short of properly illustrating the emotions that the people around Jeffrey would have been feeling.

Altogether End of Summer is a good story with a lot of heart, but the plot was a little too loose to grab my full attention.

Rating: 3 / 5

Monday 16 April 2012

Taste by Kate Evangelista – read an extract and watch the trailer here!

Today's an exciting one for my writer and fellow blogger friend Kate Evangelista she reveals an extract from her upcoming young adult fantasy novel, Taste, along with its trailer! And I'm so happy to be taking part in this big reveal. Below, then, you can watch the trailer, and continue on to read a very tasty extract (ahem, pardon the pun!)

Taste will be officially released this May.

About Kate
When Kate Evangelista was told she had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D., Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God, sitting in front of her computer, writing. Today, she has four completed Young Adult novels.
Check out her website at

At Barinkoff Academy, there's only one rule: no students on campus after curfew. Phoenix McKay soon finds out why when she is left behind at sunset. A group calling themselves night students threaten to taste her flesh until she is saved by a mysterious, alluring boy. With his pale skin, dark eyes, and mesmerizing voice, Demitri is both irresistible and impenetrable. He warns her to stay away from his dangerous world of flesh eaters. Unfortunately, the gorgeous and playful Luka has other plans. When Phoenix is caught between her physical and her emotional attraction, she becomes the keeper of a deadly secret that will rock the foundations of an ancient civilization living beneath Barinkoff Academy. Phoenix doesn’t realize until it is too late that the closer she gets to both Demitri and Luka the more she is plunging them all into a centuries old feud.
I sat up and followed Calixta’s gaze upward. I rubbed my eyes. I didn’t know what I was seeing at first. A statue? ­My brain refused to snap together coherent thoughts.  I didn’t realize I’d fallen so close to one of the garden benches until I stared up at the boy that sat on one. He was strikingly beautiful. His tumble of blonde hair curled just above his sculpted cheekbones. He wore a silk shirt and a loosened cravat, like he’d become bored while dressing and decided to leave himself in disarray. His ivory skin and frozen position was what had me mistaking him for something carved from marble by Michelangelo. Then he sighed—a lonely, breathy proof of life. If I had to imagine what Lucifer looked like before he fell from heaven, the boy on the bench would certainly fulfill that image. My brain told me I had to look away, but I couldn’t.
“Luka,” Calixta said again, her voice unsure, almost nervous. It no longer contained the steel and bite she had threatened me with, which made me wonder who the boy was.
He leaned on his hands and crossed his legs, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on the night sky. His movements spoke of elegance and control. I’d encountered many people with breeding before, but his took on the air of arrogance and self-assuredness of someone used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it.
I only realized I’d been holding my breath when my lungs protested. I exhaled. My heart sputtered and restarted with a vengeance. Luka tore his gaze away from the stars and settled it on me. I’d expected pitch-black irises, like the other Night Students, but blue ice stared back at me.
“Human,” he whispered.
He reached out, and with a finger, followed an invisible trail down my cheek. I stiffened. His touch, cooler than Demitri’s, caused warm sparks to blossom on my face. He lifted his finger to his lips and licked its tip. He might as well have licked me from the way my body shivered.
Luka’s curious gaze held mine. “Leave us,” he said, but not to me.
“But—” Calixta protested like a spoiled child.
He spoke in a language I hadn’t heard before, remaining calm yet firm. The words had a rolling cadence I couldn’t quite follow, like rumbling thunder in the distance. They contained a harsh sensuality. The consonants were hard and the vowels were long and lilting.
Footsteps retreated behind me.
Luka reached out again.
It took me a minute to realize he wanted to help me up. I hesitated. He smiled. I smiled back timidly and took his hand, completely dazzled. Even with my uniform soaked from melted snow, I didn’t feel cold—all my attention was on him and the way his callused hand felt on mine. Without moving much from his seated position, he helped me stand.
“What’s your name?” he asked. He had a voice like a familiar lullaby. It filled my heart to the brim with comfort.
I swallowed and tried to stop gawking. “Phoenix.”
“The bird that rose from the ashes.” Luka bent his head and kissed the back of my hand. “It’s a pleasure meeting you.”
My cheeks warmed. My head reeled, not knowing what to think. I couldn’t understand why I felt drawn to him. And the strange connection frightened me.
From behind, someone gripped my arms and yanked me away before I could sort out the feelings Luka inspired in me. I found myself behind a towering figure yet again. Recognizing the blue-black silk for hair tied at the nape, relief washed over me. Calixta hadn’t come back to finish me off.
Demitri’s large hand wrapped around my wrist. Unlike the night before, no calm existed in his demeanor. He trembled like a junky in need of a fix. The coiled power in his tense muscles vibrated into me.
“What are you doing here?” Demitri asked.
I didn’t know he’d spoken to me until I saw his expressionless profile. I sighed.
I flinched. The ruthless way he said my name punched all the air out of me. “You owe me answers,” I said with as much bravado as I could muster.
“I owe you nothing.” He glared. “In fact, you owe me your life.”
“I don’t think so.”
Ignoring my indignation, he faced Luka, who’d remained seated on the bench during my exchange with Demitri. “Why is she with you, Luka?”
“I wasn’t going to taste her, if that’s what you’re implying,” Luka said. “Although, she is simply delicious. I wouldn’t mind if you left us alone.”
There it was again. Taste. The word that kept coming up between these Night Students and I was connected to it in an increasingly uncomfortable way. To taste meant to sample, but what? My flesh? They had to be joking because the alternative wasn’t funny.
“The sins of the father …” Demitri left his sentence unfinished.
Luka’s smile shifted into a snarl. “Obey my command.” His chin lifted. “Kneel.”
Demitri’s stance went rigid. His grip tightened around my wrist.
Okay, weird just got weirder. Why would Luka want Demitri to kneel before him? I thought back to Eli and the others bowing to Demitri when he questioned them, but they didn’t kneel. Seriously? Were they all living on a different planet or something?
Kneel.” Luka’s detestable smirk made his features sinister rather than angelic. The real Lucifer: a fallen angel.
Without letting go of my wrist, Demitri knelt down on one knee and bowed his head, his free hand flat at the center of his chest. “Your command has been obeyed,” he said formally.
Luka nodded once.
Demitri stood up and pulled me toward the school without telling me where we were going. Not having the time to thank Luka for saving me from Calixta, I risked a glance back. Luka smiled at me. His smile spoke of whispers, secrets, and promises to be shared on a later date.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Buy a design package and win mystery swag! + Pinterest

In celebration of her 30th birthday, the always awesome Silvia over at Darkest Sins is offering a discount on all her web design services. She can design a blog for you, create a button, a banner whatever you like view her prices here and see what she can do for you.

Not only will you recieve this discount if you book something with her before the end of April, but you'll also be automatically entered in a giveaway to win some mystery swag! Sounds like a pretty fab deal.

If you'd like to see her portfolio before you decide to book anything, click here.

Oh, and while you're at that, please add me on Pinterest I'm steadily building up my picture collection on there! Keep in mind, though, that it's linked to my personal Twitter account (instead of my blog's Twitter account) so not everything will be book associated. :)

Review: The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng

It's Malaya, 1949. After studying law at Cambridge and time spent helping to prosecute Japanese war criminals, Yun Ling Teoh, herself the scarred lone survivor of a brutal Japanese wartime camp, seeks solace among the jungle-fringed plantations of Northern Malaya where she grew up as a child. There she discovers Yugiri, the only Japanese garden in Malaya, and its owner and creator, the enigmatic Aritomo, exiled former gardener of the Emperor of Japan. Despite her hatred of the Japanese, Yun Ling seeks to engage Aritomo to create a garden in Kuala Lumpur, in memory of her sister who died in the camp. Aritomo refuses, but agrees to accept Yun Ling as his apprentice 'until the monsoon comes'. Then she can design a garden for herself. As the months pass, Yun Ling finds herself intimately drawn to her sensei and his art while, outside the garden, the threat of murder and kidnapping from the guerrillas of the jungle hinterland increases with each passing day. But the Garden of Evening Mists is also a place of mystery. Who is Aritomo and how did he come to leave Japan? Why is it that Yun Ling's friend and host Magnus Praetorius, seems to almost immune from the depredations of the Communists? What is the legend of 'Yamashita's Gold' and does it have any basis in fact? And is the real story of how Yun Ling managed to survive the war perhaps the darkest secret of all? I really wanted to like this book, and thought that I would. (via Goodreads)

I love Japanese gardens, and have always been fascinated by World War II. However, I know nothing about Malaya or the conflicts that arose there in the years following so I was excited about getting to reading this book.

But, unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it at all. While it is very well written, and the places are beautiful and intriguing, there wasn't much beyond that which grasped my attention. I felt disconnected from the characters; most of all the main character who I found to be distant and, at times, cold. I'm also not a very patient person (as some of you already know from my previous reviews) and this is quite a slow moving novel.

So, again, if you have more patience than me to wait for a book to evolve, then give this a try.

I must say that I'm a bit dissapointed with my reading track-record lately! Hopefully I'll enjoy my next novel more.

Rating: 2 / 5