Saturday 14 April 2012

Buy a design package and win mystery swag! + Pinterest

In celebration of her 30th birthday, the always awesome Silvia over at Darkest Sins is offering a discount on all her web design services. She can design a blog for you, create a button, a banner whatever you like view her prices here and see what she can do for you.

Not only will you recieve this discount if you book something with her before the end of April, but you'll also be automatically entered in a giveaway to win some mystery swag! Sounds like a pretty fab deal.

If you'd like to see her portfolio before you decide to book anything, click here.

Oh, and while you're at that, please add me on Pinterest I'm steadily building up my picture collection on there! Keep in mind, though, that it's linked to my personal Twitter account (instead of my blog's Twitter account) so not everything will be book associated. :)

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