Saturday, 2 June 2012

Ta da! MAY Month Giveaway Bonanza ~ the winners!

A huge thank you to everyone who entered my big ol' May giveaway! There were over 1,500 entries which is pretty damn awesome.

If you find your name on the following list, congratulations!

You should have also been sent an email from to confirm that you're one of the winners, so make sure to check both your inbox and junk mail folders.

When you've recieved the email, please reply in order to claim your prize. You've got ten days to do so before the prize is thrown back into the hat and another winner is selected!

And the winners are...

1 x US$10 towards any choice of books from The Book Depository –––– Janiera Eldridge
2 x paperback copies of Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James (one for each winner) –––– Terri Dion and Zyn Villanueva
1 x paperback copy of Complete Novels of Jane Austen –––– Fiery Na
1 x paperback copy of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien –––– Amy Lee Sanders
1 x eBook copy of Taste by Kate Evangelista –––– Brittany
2 x Glass bead bracelets (handmade by me!) and vintage postcards (one for each winner) –––– Petra and Amy Cartmell Ermie

So there you have it! Congratulations, guys! Apologies to those who missed out this time – I do honestly wish I could give prizes to all of you. I'm sure this won't be my last giveaway, though, so keep checking in! :)

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