Tuesday 19 November 2013

The 'I am officially back' post!

Okay, I know it's been ages. Aside from a must-read interview with Elizabeth Moss, posted at the beginning of the month, I haven't exactly been around.

And for this I blame life, which has really eaten up my free time and forced blogging into the back of my mind. But, from now on, that's going to change. I have a few weeks off work and I'm almost caught up with my studies, meaning I'll have more time to be here. Woohoo!

So, over the next few days, look out for some fab new posts. Among these you'll find a competition, an interview with an awesome Young Adult author, and something Typewritten. I'm also currently reading Allegiant, the final instalment in Veronica Roth's Divergent series, so expect to see this reviewed sometime in the near future.

It's certainly great to be back!

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